Selected publications
P. Pirro, T. Sebastian, T. Brächer, A. A. Serga, T. Kubota, H. Naganuma, M. Oogane, Y. Ando, and B. Hillebrands, Non-Gilbert-damping Mechanism in a Ferromagnetic Heusler Compound Probed by Nonlinear Spin Dynamics, Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 227601
Johannes H. Strassner, Johannes Richter, Thomas H. Loeber, Henning Fouckhardt, Growth control of Ga(As)Sb quantum dots (QD) on GaAs with reflectance anisotropy spectroscopy (RAS), Photonics North 2014, Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9288, 92880F
Judith K. Hohmann and Georg von Freymann, Influence of Direct Laser Written 3D Topographies on Proliferation and Differentiation of Osteoblast-Like Cells: Towards Improved Implant Surfaces, Adv. Funct. Mater. 2014, 24, 6573–6580
Milan Agrawal, Alexander A. Serga, Viktor Lauer, Evangelos Th. Papaioannou, Burkard Hillebrands and Vitaliy I. Vasyuchka, Microwave-induced spin currents in ferromagnetic-insulator|normal-metal bilayer system, Appl. Phys. Lett. 105, 092404 (2014)
Andrii V. Chumak, Alexander A. Serga & Burkard Hillebrands, Magnon transistor for all-magnon data processing, Nature Communications 5:4700, doi:10.1038/ncomms5700 (2014)
T. Deutschmann and E. Oesterschulze, Integrated electrochromic iris device for low power and space-limited applications, 2014, J. Opt. 16 075301 doi:10.1088/2040-8978/16/7/075301
M. Agrawal, V. I. Vasyuchka, A. A. Serga, A. Kirihara, P. Pirro, T. Langner, M. B. Jungfleisch, A. V. Chumak, E. Th. Papaioannou, and B. Hillebrands, Role of bulk-magnon transport in temporal evolution of the longitudinal spin Seebeck effect, Phys. Rev. B 89, 224414 (2014)
T. Brächer, P. Pirro, T. Meyer, F. Heussner, B. Lägel, A. A. Serga, and B. Hillebrands, Parallel parametric amplification of coherently excited propagating spin waves in a microscopic Ni81Fe19 waveguide, Appl. Phys. Lett. 104 (20), 202408 (2014)
T. Brächer, P. Pirro, F. Heussner, A. A. Serga, and B. Hillebrands, Localized parallel parametric generation of spin waves in a Ni81Fe19 waveguide by spatial variation of the pumping field, Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 092418 (2014)
A. Conca, E. Th. Papaioannou, S. Klingler, J. Greser, T. Sebastian, B. Leven, J. Lösch, and B. Hillebrands, Annealing influence on the Gilbert damping parameter and the exchange constant of CoFeB thin films, Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 182407 (2014)
T. Brächer, P. Pirro, T. Meyer, F. Heussner, B. Lägel, A. A. Serga, and B. Hillebrands, Parallel parametric amplification of coherently excited propagating spin waves in a microscopic Ni81Fe19 waveguide, Applied Physics Letters 104, 202408 (2014); doi: 10.1063/1.4878848
J. Linden, A. Thyssen, and E. Oesterschulze, Suspended plate microresonators with high quality factor for the operation in liquids, Applied Physics Letters 104, 191906 (2014); doi: 10.1063/1.4875910
S. Rackwitz, I. Faus, B. Lägel, J. Linden, J. Marx, E. Oesterschulze, K. Schlage, H.-C. Wille, S. Wolff, J. A. Wolny, V. Schünemann, Installation of a combined Raman and AFM microscope as a sample environment for nuclear resonance scattering at P01, PETRA III, Hyperfine Interactions, February 2014, DOI 10.1007/s10751-014-1015-x
P. Pirro, T. Brächer, A. V. Chumak, B. Lägel, C. Dubs, O. Surzhenko, P. Görnert, B. Leven and B. Hillebrands, Spin-wave excitation and propagation in microstructured waveguides of yttrium iron garnet/Pt bilayers, Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 012402 (2014), DOI: 10.1063/1.4861343
Michael Renner and Georg von Freymann, Transverse Mode Localization in Three-Dimensional Deterministic Aperiodic Structures, Adv. Optical Mater. 2014, 2, 226–230, DOI: 10.1002/adom.201300494